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Warriors, Cavs, and Casters


As a huge NBA fan, this is an exciting time of year for me. The NBA Finals are an opportunity to see the best of the best and even if the last two teams standing was a foregone conclusion, we are still being treated to some amazing basketball. The lessons to be learned from basketball extend well beyond the court and are a guide to how we make decisions at Algood. Here are three examples.

1. Strategy in basketball has taken a major shift in the past few years. Having analyzed data, teams determined that the three point shot was a highly effective and under-utilized offensive strategy. Three point shots create the potential for 50% more points on every play. To exploit that potential, many teams began looking for players who could make a higher percentage of three point shots and re-training existing players to do the same. Along the way, some teams (like my home team Toronto Raptors) have not adapted and are unable to reach that elite level.

The dangers of not innovating are just as prevalent in the caster industry. After the economic downturn in 2008, we recognized that one of the keys to thriving in manufacturing was that we had to make new product development a priority. R&D became a strong focus. Now, we are introducing multiple new products as well as product enhancements every year. That, along with some amazing new products that will be unveiled shortly, is ensuring that we have a leg up on our competition but more importantly, we are better able to anticipate and respond to the needs of our customers.

2. Inasmuch as three pointers are creating more potent offenses, the Warriors are beating the Cavaliers just as much because of their defense. The lesson is clear. To win, teams need to be outstanding on both sides of the court.

The way I see it, Algood’s offense is our front line – our outstanding sales representatives and customer service team. These are knowledgeable and experienced men and women who are bringing our extensive product line to our customers and helping them find the ideal caster and wheel solutions. And they do a great job. But at the same time we need an outstanding defense to guarantee the effectiveness of our sales and support efforts. Our design, engineering and quality control teams ensure that we have the right product for the right challenge, that it will work flawlessly and that it is delivered as ordered and on time. That combination of offense and defense is generating more and more wins for us at Algood.

3. For teams to adapt to the changing game while being equally effective on offense and defense, they need the right players. While last year’s Warriors team was stellar, the addition of Kevin Durrant has made them virtually unbeatable, within one game of going without a loss in the playoffs. And while Lebron is always the focus of the Cavs, there is no question that without his teammates like Irving and Love, they wouldn’t be as good as they are. Both the Cavs and the Warriors have devoted a huge amount of thought and resources in assembling the ideal roster.

One of the enduring lessons I learned from my father is that our staff is our greatest asset – more valuable than any piece of equipment or machinery. We make sure that we have the right people in the right roles. That means holding out for the perfect fit when hiring, being prepared to move people into positions that are better suited to their talents, and investing in training to add or enhance skills. Our employees are truly a team. They depend on each other and value each other. Each of them contributes importantly to our success and is deserving of our respect and appreciation. There is no doubt in my mind that the Algood team is the greatest reason for our success.

So while I’m glued to the TV, watching to see whether the Warriors can complete the sweep, I’ll be thinking about how Algood can continue to be an elite team of castersmiths, providing unbeatable service to our customers and becoming the champions in North American caster manufacturing.

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1 (800) 254-6633

Algood Casters has manufactured, designed and developed industrial and specialty casters, brakes and wheels since 1969, in capacities from 25 to 65,000 lbs.